Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's a Mangolicious?

Hi readers!  Hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far!

So, I was thinking that some of you just might be wondering, "what the heck is a Mangolicious?"  That is a very good thought too.  I'll get to that in a minute.

First, I thought it would be nice to share with you the story of Marc and Jen . . . in a somewhat condensed version of course.  

Oh the love story that is Marc and Jennifer . . . 

Way back when (13 years ago!!!) I began working at the best pizza place in town, Lamppost Pizza!  I remember telling my cousin Mike that this guy that worked there was sooooooo cute, he had blonde hair and blue eyes and was "like so totally cute!"  That of course would be Marc :)  I was 15, he was 17 and it was sure to be love someday :)

So we met at Lamppost and began dating.  We dated for about 4 years before Marc headed off to UC Santa Barbara for college.  We were going to stay together and make the distance work but we were both young and still had a lot of growing up to do.  One of the best things we ever did was break up for a few years (I'd say it was about 3 years or so?) and learn more about ourselves.  We continued to talk to each other on the phone throughout the years that we were broken up and we still saw each other every now and then too, there was just something there that kept us connected.  We both dated other people which was also one of the greatest things we could have done.  We quickly realized that the people we dated did not bring out the best in us and that maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side after all.  Once Marc graduated from UCSB and moved back home things just fell into place perfectly.  Marc broke up with his girlfriend at the time, I broke up with my boyfriend and just like that we were back on track!

After a couple years of dating Marc proposed and 9 months later we were married!  He gave me a ring pop, best wedding ring I've ever tasted! 

Flash forward almost three years now and we are in our cute little condo expecting our first child.  What an awesome life we have.  

Here is our 1st Anniversary ...

Our 2nd Anniversary ...

Our 3rd Anniversary will look a little different since we will have Baby Fia with us this year!  Yippy!

So anywho, what was the point of this blog?  Oh yeah, what is a Mangolicious?  

If you don't already know, our last name is Fiamengo.  Say it with me people Fi (Fee) A (ah) Meng (Ming) O (O), Fiamengo!  Pretend you are italiano for a minute and then say it, FIAMENGO!  Granted, it can be a difficult last name to say when you don't know it, I understand.  Being that it is difficult for some, they like to make up there own last names for us.  Working at a school and a fire station you can only imagine some of the things we've heard.  Lets name a few, the famous Flamingo, Fandango, Mango, Fia, Flippy Floppy, Fidamingo . . . I'm sure there are more, but those are the most famous of all. The strangest ones come from my students at work, like Flippy Floppy???  Huh?

So anyway, one of the more popular names is Mango.  Some refer to the two of us as The Mango's. 

Well . . . Marc had a friend in Santa Barbara named Alaina, she has since become one of my really good friends.  In fact, she and I talk far more than her and Marc do.  She lives up North but she is such a great person and I'm so glad that by default we have become friends.  She listened to all of my woes and cry me a rivers while Marc and I were trying to conceive.  She is a great listener, she is funny and she is just an all around good person.  Well amongst my woe is me complaints she decided she would call me Mrs. Mangolicious.  Once I told her I was pregnant (which she was the first person to know!!! I didn't tell you all about that in my blog) she then named me Mommy Mangolicous.  Hence the name of my blog, Mommy Mangolicious.  

I figure I should give credit where credit is due and Alaina gets all the credit for the title of my blog and for my latest and greatest nickname.  Thanks Alaina! :)

Well . . . [insert heavy sigh here] I'm off to supervise the Sadie Hawkins Dance tonight at my work . . . too bad the dance starts at my bedtime of 8:00.  This is going to be a long night . . . 

Oh yeah and I'll fill you all in about mine and Marc's little weekend getaway when we get back on Monday!  Woo Hoo! 

Sleep well my friends and think of me rockin out to "Sadies Gone 80's" tonight while you are in your comfy beds dozing off!

Jen :) 


  1. With 2.5 kids, I'm never bored, not even on a Saturday night. But, I took a Mommy time-out to read your blog (you need to learn that trick). It's nice getting to know you better even if it's through your blog.:) And, I'm sorry you got stuck with Sadies.

    Andrea Ramos

  2. I'm not sorry you got stuck with Sadies......because you are what made it bearable for me!!!! Thanks for the talk! Love you, Jen!

    :) Kim



  4. Andrea - Thank you for reading! I'll be sure to remember a little mommy time-out is a must! :) Sadies wasn't too bad because I had my good buddy Kim Kessel with me thank goodness! :) Thank YOU Kim! I appreciated our talk too and love you lots too! And Bindy - I think you rock too and I love you bunches! Hope you had a GREAT birthday! Thank you all for reading ladies!
